42nd Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course
Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, May 5 - 7, 1993
1993 Speakers Publications
- Improving the Consistency and Competitiveness of Beef in the U.S.A. -- Results of the National Beef Quality Audit (.pdf 29KB)
Gary C. Smith - Feedlot Performance and Carcass Data for Cattle Produced on Deseret Ranch (.pdf 25KB)
Scott Moore - Selection for Increased Marbling (.pdf 32KB)
David L. Prichard, Rick J. Rasby, Chris R. Chalkins, Robert S. Sand, Roger L. West - Assuring the Consistency and Competitiveness of Beef by Use of Correct Biological Types of Cattle (.pdf 32KB)
Gary C. Smith - Increasing Predictability, Uniformity and Efficiency: Where Should the Seedstock Industry Be Heading? (.pdf 21KB)
Kent Andersen - Effects of Cow Size and Milk Production on Nutrient Requirements (.pdf 22KB)
David L. Prichard, Timothy T. Marshall - Matching Cow Type to the Nutritional Environment (.pdf 46KB)
Don D. Hargrove - Reproductive Efficiency of Cows of Different Sizes (.pdf 33KB)
Timothy A. Olson - Evaluation of the Senepol Breed: Heat Tolerance and Grazing Activity (.pdf 50KB)
Andrew C. Hammond - Effects of Nutritional Environment on Percentage of Mature Weight at which Crossbred Heifers of Varying Proportion of Brahman Breeding Attain Puberty (.pdf 28KB)
K.A. Weekley, T.T. Marshall, D.D. Hargrove - Matching Forage Quality to Beef Cattle Requirements (.pdf 24KB)
F.M Rouquette, Jr. - Tifton 85 and Tifton 78 Bermudagrasses: Grazing Performance and Pasture Quality (.pdf 30KB)
G.M. Hill, R.N. Gates, G.W. Burton - Limpograss Cultivars for Florida: Past, Present, and Future (.pdf 36KB)
Kenneth H. Quesenberry - Establishing Limpograss Pasture (.pdf 12KB)
Eric Jacobson - Current Research on Supplementing Cattle Grazing Limpograss (.pdf 15KB)
William E. Kunkle - Floralta Hemarthria (.pdf 13KB)
Wes Williamson - Evaluation of 'Tifton 9' Pensacola Bahiagrass with Continuous Grazing (.pdf 15KB)
R.N. Gates, G.M. Hill, G.W. Burton - Management and Utilization of Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass in South Florida (.pdf 39KB)
Paul Mislevy - Grazing Management Systems for Optimum Pasture Utilization (.pdf 25KB)
F.M. Rouquette, Jr. - Breeding Cattle for the Future: Programmatic Planning by a Breed Association (.pdf 19KB)
Larry Dorsey
Smith-Lever 100th Anniversary
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service, which allows us all to benefit from the knowledge of our land-grant universities. Extension has helped millions of Floridians by tapping the latest information from the research engines of the University of Florida and Florida A&M and converting it into practical knowledge we use every day.
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The UF/IFAS Florida Beef Extension Web site is the central gateway to all online Beef Extension material for the Florida beef industry. These materials have been developed and collected by county Extension faculty and state faculty.
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