58th Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, April 29 - May 1, 2009

"Cash, Cows, and Calves"

2009 Speakers Publications and Power Point Presentations

James Mintert

Curt Lacy

James Mintert

Gary Fike

Joao Vendramini

Matt Hersom

Cliff Lamb

Todd Thrift

Matt Hersom

Matt Poore

Curt Lacy

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Smith-Lever 100th Anniversary

The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service, which allows us all to benefit from the knowledge of our land-grant universities. Extension has helped millions of Floridians by tapping the latest information from the research engines of the University of Florida and Florida A&M and converting it into practical knowledge we use every day.

Solutions for Your Life

UF/IFAS Extension maintains an easy-to-use, comprehensive Web site, Solutions for Your Life.

Did You Know?

The UF/IFAS Florida Beef Extension Web site is the central gateway to all online Beef Extension material for the Florida beef industry. These materials have been developed and collected by county Extension faculty and state faculty.

IFAS Resources


This is an archived page. Please visit the new Animal Sciences website for current information.