38th Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course
Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, May 3 - 5, 1989
1989 Speakers Publications
- People and Agriculture - Can They Coexist? (.pdf 12KB)
John Holt - Water Issues for Beef Cattle Producers (.pdf 21KB)
Roy Carriker - Planning, Property Rights and Value Issues for Florida Landowners (.pdf 51KB)
Rodney Clouser - Environmental Concerns for Agriculture (.pdf 20KB)
Billy Kempfer - Environmental Issues of Concern to Florida Cattlemen (.pdf 23KB)
Carlton Layne - Cattle in the Environment (.pdf 9KB)
Alto Adams, Jr. - Animal Rights - An Issue for the Future (.pdf 8KB)
Farol Tomson - Beef Health Management Prospects for the Nineties (.pdf 22KB)
Owen Rae - Challenges and Opportunities in the Nineties (.pdf 8KB)
Bill Mies - Foreign Beef Trade - Issues and Outlook (.pdf15KB)
Tom Cook - Sales Contracts for Calves (.pdf 5KB)
Jackie Bass - Contracts and Marketing of Calves (.pdf 4KB)
Harvey Benschoter - Sales Contracts for Calves (.pdf 9KB)
Dan Sumner - The Effect of Backgrounding System and Cattle Type on Net Return (.pdf 22KB)
Tom Spreen - Florida State Fair Youth Steer Futurity (.pdf 7KB)
Don Wakeman - New Products - Successes and Failures (.pdf 15KB)
Jim Lamkey - Impact of Beef Promotion (.pdf 24KB)
John Francis - Ultrasound and Carcass Evaluation Program (.pdf 17KB)
Roger West - Relationship of Muscling to Production Traits (.pdf 25KB)
Don Hargrove - Keeping Beef Records on the Computer (.pdf 7KB)
Bob Sand - Forage Challenges and Opportunities in the Nineties (.pdf 9KB)
Carol Chambliss - Grazing Management of Improved Pastures (.pdf 20KB)
Lynn Sollenberger - Round Bale Silage - A Forage Harvesting Alternative (.pdf 197KB)
Doug Bates - Cultural and Fertilizer Practices for Bahiagrass Seed Production (.pdf 18KB)
Martin Adjei - Experiences with Seed Production form Florida Forages (.pdf 8KB)
Kelsey Payne - Aeschynomene Feed, Seed & Nitrogen (.pdf 13KB)
Wesley Williamson
Smith-Lever 100th Anniversary
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service, which allows us all to benefit from the knowledge of our land-grant universities. Extension has helped millions of Floridians by tapping the latest information from the research engines of the University of Florida and Florida A&M and converting it into practical knowledge we use every day.
Solutions for Your Life
UF/IFAS Extension maintains an easy-to-use, comprehensive Web site, Solutions for Your Life.
Did You Know?
The UF/IFAS Florida Beef Extension Web site is the central gateway to all online Beef Extension material for the Florida beef industry. These materials have been developed and collected by county Extension faculty and state faculty.
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