Spreadsheets and Tools
Semen Value Calculator
Calculate the net present value of +$100 in selection index
- Spreadsheet: Semen Value Spreadsheet
- Documentation: Economic Value of Genetic Merit of Dairy Semen
Mailbox Price Forecast Tool
Forecast your farm mailbox milk price with this tool from the University of Wisconsin. The tool has been populated with Florida Federal Order mailbox prices.
- Spreadsheet: Mailbox Forecast Tool (.XLSM Excel file - enable macros)
- Documentation: Mailbox Forecast Tool User's Manual
Capital Budget
Set up a capital budget for a new dairy facility.
- Spreadsheet: CapitalBudget.xls
- Documentation: Capital Budgeting for a New Dairy Facility
DairyVIP (install on computer)
Evaluation of consequences of changes in herd management and prices on dairy farms. This program has monthly time steps, seasonality, and dynamic programming
Save the .exe and .xlsm files in the same directory and enable macros.
- Version 1.1: dairyVIP1.1.exe and DairyVIP1.1.xls (2007)
- Version 1.4: dairyvip1.4.exe and DairyVIP1.4.xlsm (2012)
- Version 2.1: dairyvip21.exe and DairyVIP21.xlsm (2015)
- Documentation: The DairyVIP Program to Evaluate the Consequences of Changes in Herd Management and Prices on Dairy Farms
DairyVIP (online)
Evaluation of consequences of changes in herd management and prices on dairy farms.
- Online version http://devries.ifas.ufl.edu
Stall stocking density calculator
Metamodel of economic evaluation of stall stocking density. Journal of Dairy Science. 99:3848–3857 http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2015-10556
v.Calculator14 (Excel macro)
Spreadsheet to evaluate consequences of changes in herd management and prices on dairy farms. Enable macros.
- v.Calculator14
- Documentation in forthcoming. If questions, please contact Albert De Vries at devries@ufl.edu
Calculate the economic feasibility of anaerobic manure digesters on Florida dairy farms.
- Spreadsheet: Digester1.1
- Documentation: Using the Digester Spreadsheet to Calculate the Economic Feasibility of Anaerobic Manure Digesters on Florida Dairy Farms
Heifer Value
Calculate how much you can afford to pay for heifers.
- Spreadsheet: heifervalue.xls
- Documentation: What Is the Maximum Worth of a Dairy Heifer?
Nitrogen Leaching
Estimating nitrogen leaching.
- Spreadsheet: DNFDFM.xls
- Documentation: Dynamic North Florida Dairy Model to estimate N leaching
Nutrient Budgeting
- Spreadsheet: Circular_1196_Revised.xls
- Documentation: Managing Dairy Manure Accountably: Worksheets for Nutrient Budgeting
Weighted Cost of Capital
- Powerpoint 2003: WACCIIwithlogos.ppt
- Documentation: Weighted Cost of Capital on Florida Dairy Farms.pdf