38th Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course
Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, May 3 - 5, 1989
1989 Speakers Publications
- People and Agriculture, Can they Coexist
John Holt - Water Issues for Beef Cattle Producers
Roy Carriker - Planning, Property Rights and Value Issues for Florida Landowners
Rodney Clouser - Environmental Concerns for Agriculture
Billy Kempfer - Environmental Issues of Concern to Florida Cattlemen
Carlton Layne - Cattle in the Environment
Alto Adams, Jr. - Animal Rights - An Issue for the Future
Farol Tomson - Beef Health Management Prospects for the Nineties
Owen Rae - Challenges and Opportunities in the Nineties
Bill Mies - Foreign Beef Trade - Issues and Outlook
Tom Cook - Sales Contracts for Calves
Jackie Bass - Contracts and Marketing of Calves
Harvey Benschoter - Sales Contracts for Calves Sumner
Dan Sumner - The Effect of Backgrounding System and Cattle Type on Net Return
Tom Spreen - Florida State Fair Youth Steer Futurity
Don Wakeman - New Products - Successes and Failures
Jim Lamkey - Impact of Beef Promotion
John Francis - Ultrasound and Carcass Evaluation Program
Roger West - Relationship of Muscling to Production Traits
Don Hargrove - Keeping Beef Records on the Computer
Bob Sand - Forage Challenges and Opportunities in the Nineties
Carol Chambliss - Grazing Management of Improved Pastures
Lynn Sollenberger - Round Bale Silage - A Forage Harvesting Alternative
Doug Bates - Cultural and Fertilizer Practices for Bahiagrass Seed Production
Martin Adjei - Experiences with Seed Production form Florida Forages
Kelsey Payne - Aeschynomene Feed, Seed & Nitrogen
Wesley Williamson