ExtensionHorses.org, Preparedness and Online courses
Extension Horses YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aMTB4oIaOJoNzS-hy2hbA
Find answers to horse questions, watch educational videos, browse articles, and take online learning lessons and certificate courses. Make eXtension.org/Horses your number-one source for credible, research-based equine information. Visit www.extension.org/horses.- Defining Essential Equine Care During a Pandemic
- Personal Preparedness Plan for Equine Owners
- FAQs on Essential Equine Care During a Pandemic
Also, a number of high-quality, university-based equine online courses are being offered for free. Topics include: Digestion, Parasites, Anatomy, Reproduction, Feedstuffs, Infectious Diseases, and more. https://campus.extension.org/enrol/index.php?id=1795
Recorded Webinars/Clinics
- Tack Box Talk:
- Definitely check these out! Great to put on in the car, while you're working around the barn. Great variety of interesting stories!
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/242373 - Podcasts
- For Mother's Day! "Every day is Mother's Day! Successful Horse Show Moms Share Their Experiences"
- Equine academic professionals from across the country share their personal knowledge of all things horse to help you become a better owner.
- ExtensionHorses.org:
- COVID-19 Financial Assistance Options for Horse Owners and Horse Businesses - https://youtu.be/tuLQXCN0Qlw
- Biosecurity and Sanitation on Horse Farms - https://youtu.be/cuONqhwPlmQ
- Horse Judging From Home series, Univ. of Tennessee:
- Judging Ranch Riding - https://youtu.be/bEJjxuN56N4, week 1
- Conformation - https://youtu.be/DOq5x6rsrO0, week 2
- Gaited Horses - https://youtu.be/4ODTHh23keY, week 3
- Equitation & Horsemanship - https://youtu.be/G1vNjMQVfa8, week 4
- CFLAG (Central Florida Livestock Agents Group)
- COVID-19 updates for the horse owner, with Dr. SallyAnne DeNotta, UF/IFAS Equine Extension Veterinarian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xny_Aapzq48
- Horse Owner general health Q&A with UF Extension Veterinarian. https://youtu.be/-KF5LyAn1Xs
- Showmanship Clinics, North Dakota State University:
- Beef Showmanship Clinic - https://youtu.be/jzR_QBL3H-g
- Sheep Showmanship Clinic - https://youtu.be/aIpef6z6ZsI
- Goat Showmanship Clinic - https://youtu.be/-KF5LyAn1Xs
- Swine Showmanship Clinic - https://youtu.be/MrMWbDTLg1U
- Horse Showmanship Clinic - https://youtu.be/6SHxnduuEhE
- Online Animal Handling Series, University of Tennessee
- Pressure, Perception, and Low-Stress Techniques
- https://youtu.be/iqhBwTUSAEw, week 1
- Pressure, Perception, and Low-Stress Techniques
- Teeth Floating (Equine Dental Issues) - Join Tami Thurston, Director of Equine, and Dr. Taylor deal with a common horse dental issue. https://youtu.be/li8drAk_aqQ
- Tack Box Talk:
Virtual Livestock & Horse Judging Contest Resource
Train your teams with 400+ classes of livestock, horse dairy, and more. www.livestockjudging.com
Master Dressage - Mary Wanless Podcast
Helpful for all riders, not just Dressage! From the Author of "Ride With Your Mind," Mary Wanless.
- https://dressagetraining.tv/mary-wanless-podcast/ - "Ride With Your Mind" podcasts, being released twice a week (Thursday & Sunday). Audio only, but just kick back and listen. Lots of great explanations and simple exercises you can do along with the podcast.
- https://www.facebook.com/watch/MasterDressage/ - Series of short instructional videos.
- AQHLearn - AQHLearn has been developed to provide free resources for youth to learn more about horses from the comfort of their own home, anywhere in the world. The knowledge and resources from this program will allow youth to grow as horse enthusiasts and young equine leaders without horse ownership or previous experience being a barrier to participation.
- https://learn.aqhuniversity.com/ - to register for a free account.
FEI Campus (Fédération Équestre Internationale)
(Description below copied from "FEI Campus at a Glance" link on the above site.)FEI Campus is a free-of-charge and cutting-edge e-learning platform in the sports world and is set to become the virtual reference point for education within the FEI and the equestrian world for education around our partner and fellow athlete, the horse. The content and courses you will find here have the FEI seal of approval and have been carefully crafted and selected by experts and professionals within the equestrian community.
- The Horsemanship pages are aimed at everyone who truly cares about horses with themes such as Veterinary Education, Equine Health, Husbandry and Feeding, Equine Conformation, The Equine Athlete, Equine Behavior and Handling, and many more.
- The Discipline pages act as the central learning hub for each of the FEI disciplines and their Official education for FEI certification.
USEF Learning Center and Network
Some of the content is available free, but all of it can be accessed with a "Fan" membership for only $25/year.
- https://www.usef.org/learning-center - USEF Learning Center - Educational videos and content featuring elite athletes, trainers, and industry experts.
- https://www.usef.org/network - USEF Network - Competition coverage with over 7,500 hours of live and on-demand content.
Stock Show Classroom
Recorded webinars for a variety of Livestock topics and species:
- Selection - Swine, Goat, Sheep
- Spring Shedding in Cattle
- Getting them off to the right start - Swine, Goat, Sheep
- Feed like a pro - Swine, Goat, Sheep, Beef cattle
- Tips & Tricks for breaking and training - Swine, Sheep, Goats
- Plus many other show preparation and Showmanship videos.
The American - America's Livestock Show
The Nation's first ever Virtual Livestock Show. Entries for Swine, Sheep, Cattle, and Goats.
COVID & Horse Resources
Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Caring for Your Horse During COVID-19
United Horse Coalition
Huge list of resource links, graphics, and all things COVID & horses, https://unitedhorsecoalition.org/covid-19-resources/.
- Looking for some easy ways to keep your kids engaged and learning at home? Check out the 4-H #InspireKidstoDo Activity Guide to find 60 hands-on learning activity ideas! https://tinyurl.com/vfvljzn