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Animal Sciences Department

Animal Sciences Department

4-H Horse Leader Retreat

January 18-20, 2020
Weleka State Forest

Sharable Flyer in PDF and PNG

Register and pay through Eventbrite.
Deadline is Monday, January 6 by 5pm


The Florida 4-H Horse Program faculty invite 4-H Agents and Horse Volunteers/Leaders to join them at a workshop/retreat on January 18-20, 2020 at the Welaka State Forest camping facility. This location will allow you to bring your horse if you care to. There will be opportunities for trail riding, schooling, or just for time with your horse. Workshops will be a mixture of classroom and hands-on programming. What you gain from the program will be similar whether or not you bring a horse.

A large focus of the retreat will be introduction the new leader guide called Horse Smarts. This is the newest reference for Horse Bowl and Hippology. The online cost for the Horse Smarts is $124.00 plus shipping. We will make the guides available to attendees for $75.00. Agents from counties with competitive horse teams will receive one complimentary copy per county, if they do not already have one. These books will be available at the retreat, not pre-paid via Eventbrite.

Refer to the tentative schedule for the list of topics to be discussed. Please know that we want to make this beneficial to you. We can modify the schedule to include topics/skills development based on your feedback. The intent is for the retreat to be a relaxed, need-driven weekend, with as much value given to peer interaction and discussions as formal presentations.

4-H Agents who want to understand more about horse programming are welcome to attend - and may do so at no cost! (Please note, there is a separate Agent IST immediately following on Horse basics.) Depending on experience level of participants, a buffet of different levels of instruction may be offered. Even if you have very little hands-on experience with horses, this will be a good no-judgement opportunity to gain some in a fun and relaxed setting.

For questions or requests, contact Wendy DeVito at or 352-392-1912. We welcome questions ahead of time as they may help us develop the program around your needs.

Fees and paperwork required

Registration fee for the 2020 Horse Leader Retreat is only $125 $150 (with or without horse). Fees cover two nights lodging in cabins, 5 meals, snacks, classroom and hands-on programs, stall, and 4H insurance.

Participants must bring the following completed and signed paperwork to the retreat to turn in at check-in: FL 4-H Participation form, Statement of Risk, and current negative coggins. These do not need to be mailed/faxed ahead of time.


Register and pay through Eventbrite by 5pm, Monday, January 6. Agents should contact Wendy DeVito ( before registering. Participation is limited to 30, and there will be a waiting list after those spaces fill.

See the Eventbrite registration page for other partial time/fee combinations. For other options, please contact Wendy with any 'out of the norm' payment or attendance requests, including the code to waive the fee for 4-H Agents. If County or Area Associations want to cover part or all of the registration fees, we can adjust what is charged on Eventbrite.

Cancellations: After January 6, the fee can only be refunded at 50% unless someone is waiting to fill the space or there is doctor certification that of illness or injury to the participant or immediate family member.

The retreat is an adult-leader-only program. Participants should be certified 4-H adult volunteers or leaders, or County Agents.
