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Animal Sciences Department

Animal Sciences Department

Florida Delegation Information

July 31 - August 4, 2024, Perry, GA

The official Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships website can be found HERE!

This page has Florida-specific information.

The information linked to the right applies to all competitions: Horse Judging, Hippology, Quiz Bowl, Individual and Team Demonstrations, and Public Speaking. Regional qualifiers are encouraged to review all of the Regional information to be familiar with what to expect at the event.

Horse Show Participants - Signup procedure

*Registration will be on 4-H Online here*

  • Just like for Area and State, you must upload a PDF or legible image of your horse's current Coggins form.
  • 4-H online event will open on the first day of the State show.
  • Participants may submit the form at any time, but entries will not be approved until after the awards program when the final qualifiers are confirmed.
  • Paying by credit card will be an option via 4-H Online, with an added fee (+$10, pass-through bank charge). Credit card is not charged until after it is confirmed that entrant qualified and submission is approved.
  • Payment by check can be left with the show office at any time during the show. If entrant did not qualify, check will be destroyed.
  • Those who prefer not to enter until final qualifiers are announced will be given the chance to complete the 4-H Online form and submit payment after the awards program (cash or check, or c.c. on 4-H Online).
  • All qualifiers, whether submitting form early or after the awards program, must turn in an original signed Participation Agreement by Saturday evening. SRHC will not accept scanned, photos, emailed, faxed or any other version than "wet signature."
  • All qualifiers planning to participate at Regionals need to have their 4-H Online form submitted, signed Agreement turned in, and payment made before the end of Saturday night.

*Note on entry fee for Florida entrants*

For years the Horse Program has absorbed the 5% deposit fee for the FL 4-H Foundation to deposit all of the Regionals payments and write one entry check for Florida. With those fees totaling $800-$1000 for the Regional Show alone, the Horse Program cannot continue to absorb those fees. Therefore, all of the fees on the 4-H Online form reflect an added 5% over what is shown on the sample entry form.

More details...

The 70 highest point scoring Seniors (and Intermediates who competed as Seniors) will be eligible to compete at Regionals. The top-10 point earning Juniors (and Intermediates competing as Juniors) will also be eligible to enter. The number of points required to be in the top 70 varies from year to year. As youth in the top-70 choose not to enter, we will keep going down the points list until we have 70 registered. The "official" qualifier list will be announced during the awards program on Saturday evening, with final sign-up immediately following. However, those who finish showing on Thursday or Friday may submit their entry form and leave payment 'just in case'.

By the Saturday evening program, we will compare those who have already left payment with those who officially qualified. The final qualifiers will register after the Saturday program. Youth will be at no advantage or disadvantage for submitting an entry before Saturday. In the end, all determinations will be made strictly by point-earning order. Regardless of which day anyone finishes showing, we need to have all 70 paid entries (and top-10 Junior qualifiers), with signed Agreements in hand before leaving Saturday night.

We will also collect forms & payment from ~five more exhibitors who will stand by as alternates. However, the alternates will be on a "short notice" stand-by and are only eligible to compete if a registered participant scratches. There is a very tight turn-around time between the State show and the entry deadline for Regionals. So please be sure you are able to go if you sign up and that your entry is complete. It might be difficult to get alternates substituted for those who cancel.

Exhibitors who anticipate qualifying for Regionals should take a good look at the sample entry form and Waiver Form and be prepared to complete an equivalent form on 4-H Online during the State show. *The Participation Agreement must have original signatures - not scanned/emailed/E-signed/Adobe signed, etc. If you cannot stay for the awards, make sure to print and sign this form and turn it in at the show office before departing, or leave it with someone from your group to turn in during Saturday's final registration. 

To summarize, a qualifier should complete/turn in the following by Saturday evening in order to compete at Regionals:

  • Completed and submitted 4-H Online entry, with Coggins uploaded
  • Participation Release form with original signatures
  • Payment for all fees - via credit card on 4-H Online, check left during the show at the office, or cash/check at Saturday's final registration period.


Previous Years' Results

All SRHC results, both shows and contests

Versions with Florida Youth Highlighted: