Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships
August 2-6, 2023, Perry, GA
Arriving at the Georgia National Fairgrounds
**Please note: no horses will be allowed on the grounds before 8am, Wednesday.**
This is set by the showgrounds and SR show management has no authority to make exceptions.
Take the GA 224 exit off of I-75 (exit #135), and go west on GA 224. You will be passing the fairgrounds on your right. Continue to Elko Road, turn right, then turn right into the East entrance of the GNFA. If you do not already know your barn/stall assignment, you will receive it at the gate. Proceed to your barn and unload. Later, walk over to the Show Information Office in the Covered Arena to pick up your entry packet.
Here are more detailed directions and map of the grounds from the GNFA site.
Stalls have concrete floors and will not be bedded.
A reminder from your "Horse Show Information" pdf:
Exhibitors may bring mats to place under the shavings. Shavings will be available for order before the show and/or purchase during the show. The normal shavings office hours are from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. The shavings office is located at the west end of the horse barn 2.
No Outside Shavings Are Allowed. Georgia National Fairgrounds policy is that all shavings must be purchased on grounds, with the exception of horses that have a Veterinarian note for stated allergies. Exceptions must be communicated to your State Specialist and a vet note brought in hand to present to facility management and/or security when asked.
Layout of the Facility
To see photos of the main locations, click here for a tour.
Facility Policy: No vehicles will be allowed to come and go in the asphalt area between the Covered Horse Arena and Horse Barn #1 during the event hours. Exhibitors wishing to load/unload in this area will be able to do so only on move-in day (before the event begins) and on the last day of the event.
Golf Cart Rental
Despite the size of the GNFA, it is well laid out with relatively short distances between arenas and barns. However, there might be certain situations where renting a golf cart would be helpful. There will be a golf cart vendor on site. You may reserve one ahead of time:
Danny Crook at Southern Equipment Company, (478) 472-8565.
2023 SRHC Important Information
- Schedule
- Class List
- Sample Show Entry
- Liability Waiver - All SRHC participants
- Planning and Arrival
- Individual Presentation Scoresheet
- Team Presentation Scoresheet
- Public Speaking Scoresheet
- Exhibitor Information
- Rulebook
- RV Reservations
- Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter
- Perry, GA
- Results