Coach: Dr. Tracy Scheffler
Four students work together as a team for 4 events: lab practicum, written test, quiz bowl, and oral presentation. The competition is designed to test students' knowledge, hands-on/practical skills, communication ability, and problem-solving. Material and activities relate to livestock and companion animals, as well as various discipline areas, such as reproduction, meat science, and behavior.
The breadth of skills and knowledge makes this a very challenging competition. Ideally, students will be close to completing their degree or have significant experience in coursework or other animal science-related experiences. Additionally, because it is truly a team event, it is beneficial if the students have strengths in different species and discipline areas.
The competition is typically held over two days (weekend) in late January in conjunction with the Southern section meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (SS-ASAS; location changes by year). Each university is allowed one team for the regional competition (students can only compete at the regional competition one time), and the winning team advances to the national competition, which is held in conjunction with the national ASAS meeting.
2023 Team
The 2023 team included Jordan Bishman, Douglas Natoce, Emma Schoenfeld, and Gina Tran.
Overall placing: 5th (out of 11 teams)
Lab practicum: 3rd
Quiz bowl: 9th
Written exam: 6th
Oral presentation: 1st
The 2024 competition will be held January 27 & 28 in Louisville, KY.