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Animal Sciences Department

Animal Sciences Department

Florida 4-H State Horse Show
 -Over Fences Classes and Schooling O/F

Those entered an over fences class (classes 44-50) may sign up for a schooling time slot. A $25 fee will be charged for those that decide to sign up to school. If Hunter Hack is your only over fences class, you are still eligible for a schooling trip.

For reference, this is the order of the Schooling and Hunter Over Fences classes in the 2024 Tentative State Show Schedule:

   - Schooling, 2’9”
   - Schooling, 2’6”
   - Schooling, 2’3”

44. Hunter Hack*

45. Low Working Hunter

46. Low Equitation Over Fences

48a. Medium Working Hunter**

49a. Medium Equitation Over Fences**

48b. High Working Hunter**

49b. High Equitation Over Fences**

50b. High Handy Hunter**

50a. Medium Handy Hunter**

47. Low Handy Hunter 

As a reminder, about the Low and Medium/High sections:

  • All sections are open to any height horses/ponies & any age rider.
  • All entries in a section will jump at the same specified height.
  • A horse/rider combination may show in only one section at a single show. Entrants with 2 horses may enter one horse in one section and the other in another.
  • Entrants do not have to enter the same section at Area & State.

Which Schooling Trip to choose?

  • Riders may choose whichever height they prefer.
    • Most will want to school over the same fence heights as they will face in competition.
    • Some prefer to school over lower heights to ease the horse in and build his confidence.
    • Some prefer to school over higher fences so the competition heights feel easy in comparison.

To sign up for your schooling trip, you must indicate so on the online entry form and pay the $25 fee to be included in the schooling time block. On that form, all three height options will be available to everyone. If you pay for schooling and are not in one of classes 44-50, a schooling trip will not be granted, nor refunded.

Schooling trips will be one at a time in the arena of which the jumping classes take place in. The jumps will be set in the orientation of the show course. Rider's may ride the jumps in whichever order and however many times they are able to in the 3 minutes they are allowed to school (with the understanding that they will not be jumping the fences backwards for safety). Trainers are allowed inside the arena with the youth to assist them in schooling as they see fit. We ask that the trainer does not move any fences and leave the arena as it was found (i.e. pick up poles knocked, etc.). Youth must wear boots, show number, and helmet for the schooling trip. If the rider is not on time for their posted schooling time (will be provided at least by the day before schooling/showing over fences), they will not be able to go at a later time.