2023 Florida 4-H State Horse Show Entry Procedure
Please read the instructions! You may even want them open on another screen while completing the entry process.
Click here for tips and a worksheet to help prepare the information that will be asked for in the online registration.
It's strongly suggested to use this worksheet to preview everything that will be asked so you are prepared to complete the form in one sitting.
*Note on T-shirts* - A preview of the design and color is not available at the time of registration opening. When it is available, it will be added to this page. All shirts need to be purchased ahead of time during registration --there will not be an on-site vendor. If you submit your registration before the preview is available, we will give you a chance to go back and add to (or remove from) your order once the design is posted.
General Procedure and Timeline
- Follow the instructions of your Club Leader and/or 4-H Agent as far as when/where to complete the 4-H Online entry.
- June 11 - Online form must be submitted by June 11 (midnight).
- 4-H Agents should approve entries ASAP after the deadline (or before, preferably).
- The entry procedure will include confirming the 4-H Health form details, as well as E-signing the Code of Conduct, Statement of Understanding (for Horse Show Risk), and Rulebook Receipt Acknowledgement. To preview those documents, click here.
- Entrants will be able to review their registration details on 4-H Online at any time. If you realize you made an error before the payment deadline, contact your 4-H Agent to correct it.
- 4-H Agents will be able make corrections to your entry (or send it back to the entrant to make own updates) at any time during the registration process.
- It is the responsibility of entrants and their families to check their State Show entries before the entry deadline.
- by June 14 - 4-H Agents will receive a list of issues that may need a follow-up, a file to make stall assignments, and an invoice for the total due for the county.
- by June 16, or as instructed by your 4-H Agent. Entrants turn in the total fees due to their county. If your club or county pays a portion of your entries, you will owe less than what the 4-H Online total indicates. Those arrangements can be handled locally. Checks should be made out as instructed by Club Leader or 4-H Agent.
- Also by June 16, follow-up issues should be resolved.
- by June 19 - 4-H Agents will email the completed stall forms back to the State.
- June 26, Fees for the County as a whole should be paid by county check to "Florida 4-H Foundation" (credit card via PayPal only if necessary).
Preparation - Materials to have handy as you complete form
- Enter an email address that is regularly monitored!
- It is strongly recommended to review & complete Tips & Worksheet so you have everything decided and gathered before beginning the registration form.
- Registration or Thoroughbred T.I.P. papers. If your horse is registered QH, Palomino, Appaloosa, or Thoroughbred (T.I.P.) and you want to be eligible for a breed award, you will be asked for registration T.I.P. number and registered name. A horse can be eligible for multiple breed awards if it is double-registered.
- A PDF or image file of their horse’s Coggins form.
- From the Coggins form, have the accession number, blood draw date, and Owner name.
- Refer to the Class List and Schedule to know what classes you want to enter (maximum of 5).
- If entering a Dressage class, be ready to choose which test you plan to ride.
- General travel plans - primarily if you are planning to arrive early (Tuesday) or leave late (Sunday afternoon).
- For Over-fences classes, look at the Schooling procedures and know which Schooling round(s) you want.
- Know what t-shirt size(s) you will want.
- Talk to your friends/club and know who is paying for a tack stall and who all will be sharing it.
- Enter an email address that is regularly monitored!
Form Instructions, with **Entry Link**
- Entry form on 4-H Online is very similar to the Area form, so remember any "notes to self for next time" points you learned from that show.
- On 4-H Online, choose “Events” then “Register for New Event.” The State show should appear on the list (as long as it is within the date range that entries are open).
- When you select the State show, the first list of options confirms the age division in which you will be showing and asks if entering a horse or pony.
**Read the list of combinations carefully and choose the correct one. The questions you will be asked depend on the registration type chosen**- If you accidentally choose the wrong combination, just go "Back" and choose the correct one.
- Intermediates must show in the same age division as they showed & qualified in at Area.
- The first entry screen will have all of the show-related details for entering. Read the instructions and field explanations carefully as you complete the form.
- Pay attention to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation -- what you enter is how it will appear in the program.
- Emails for submission, approval, and notifications (e.g., an entry was sent back for correction) will go to the family email address in the 4-H Online profile. Please check your profile to ensure that the family email is current and monitored. Any group communications about the show in general will go to both the family and youth emails as listed in 4-H Online.
- Enter the preferred email address for ongoing show communications (even if it is the same as the 4-H Online email).
- When selecting classes, you may choose up to 5. If more than 5 are checked, the system will not let you advance past that page.
- See the Tips & Worksheet pages for more reminders of what to have ready,
- Be sure to enter with whom you plan to share a tack stall whether you are the one paying for it or not. This will help your 4-H office with arranging stall assignments.
- The fees due are calculated as you complete the form and are not editable (see the fee summary in the column to the right for a preview). The "total due" at the end is what will be due for your entry.
- If any required fields were not answered, the “Next” button will be faded/inactive and you will need to enter a response (or ensure that only 5 classes are checked) before moving on.
- Once you begin the list of entry questions, you will have to complete the whole page for the responses to be recorded. When you successfully hit “Next” and move to the Health form review, you may leave and come back and your question responses should be retained. Your entry status will appear as “Incomplete” until you return and finish the rest of the screens.
- If you do leave and come back, please endeavor to choose the "Incomplete" entry and complete it, rather than starting with a new one.
- After the Horse Show entry questions, there will be a series of other items to review and “sign.” An adult should be the one agreeing to and signing these forms. Completing these steps on 4-H Online takes the place of having to sign any hard copies to hand-turn-in as in the past. These steps include:
- Review and confirm current health information.
- Review and agree to the 4-H Code of Conduct which includes the General Release, Transportation policy, Publicity, and Survey & Evaluation Releases.
- Review and agree to the Florida 4-H Horse Statement of Understanding Risk.
- Acknowledge Receipt and Understanding of Florida 4-H Area & State 4-H Horse Show rules.
- After all of the Agreements, there will be a summary screen which summarizes the horse show details entered and their associated fees. (Unfortunately, the classes entered do not show individually, just the header/name of the class question and the fee. A request is still in with 4-H Online to change it to classes selected.)
- All entrants will choose “Pay By Check” on this payment review screen, then scroll down and click Next.” A confirmation note appears which suggests there may be quicker options. There is not, so just confirm and move on.
- Any responses in any of the sections can be edited until the last review screen by clicking “Back” at the bottom any screen. This includes being able to go back and check your classes entered since the class names do not show on the fee list. On the last review screen, once you choose "Finish" the data is submitted and there is no editing it unless you contact your County 4-H Agent before the payment deadline.
- When the entry is successfully submitted, a green pop-up with “Success, Event Registration Submitted” will appear and it will take you back to the “Events I have registered for” screen. The State Show should now be on this list as “Pending Approval." A submission email with more reminders will be sent to the email address associated with 4-H Online.
- Read the instructions and field explanations carefully as you complete the entry form.
**Go to Entry Form!**
2024 Entry Fee Summary
- Required by Everyone:
- Entry fee: $25 per class
- Horse Stall: $65
- FSF waste disposal fee: $15
- Optional Costs:
-Tack Stall: $65
-Schooling "class" (3mins): $25
-Cattle Class fee: $20 per class
-Arriving before Wednesday or
leaving after Sunday:
$25 per stall per day
-T-shirts paid w/ entry: $15
(No on-site t-shirts)