Hippology Contest Description
**See Sample Tests and further description of phases**
I. Objectives
- To provide youth with the opportunity to blend the knowledge and skills acquired in horse judging, horse bowl, demonstrations, public speaking, showing, and practical horse experience into one activity
- To encourage youth to continue expanding their understanding, knowledge, and participation in equine science.
- To recognize youth for their total involvement in and comprehensive knowledge of the horse industry.
- To teach good sportsmanship through a friendly and competitive environment.
II. Eligibility
- Any Florida 4-H member is eligible to participate in the 4-H Hippology contest. Youth do not need to own a horse.
- Teams consist of three or four members. For teams with four members, all will compete but the member receiving the lowest overall score will be automatically declared the alternate. The scores of the alternate will not be included in any of the team totals, but will be considered in determining all individual awards. Teams consisting of three members will have no alternate, and all members' scores will count in determining individual and team awards.
- Each county is eligible to enter up to two (2) intermediate teams and any number of senior teams of four members in the contest. However, due to schedule and space limitations, if the total number of youth exceeds 50 in either division, counties with excessive entries may be limited. Senior teams will be composed of youth who have passed their 14th birthday and have not passed their 19th birthday as of September 1 of the current 4-H year. Intermediate teams are composed of members who have passed their 11th birthday and have not passed their 14th birthday as of September 1 of the current 4-H year.
- Individual entries will be accepted from counties not able to enter a full team.
- Contestants may not have participated in an official, post-secondary hippology, horse bowl, or horse judging contest.
- All ties, individual and team, will be broken using the following sequence: 1) Written examination scores, 2) Scores at stations, and 3) Judging scores.
- Members of the winning Intermediate team are ineligible to compete on a team in the Intermediate division at future 4-H Hippology Contests. However, members may compete as individuals in the Intermediate or Senior division, or on a Senior team, if they meet age requirements. Members of the winning Senior team are ineligible to compete on a team in the Senior division at future 4-H Hippology Contests but may compete in future contests as senior individuals.
- The winning Senior team will have the opportunity to attend the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, KY to represent Florida in the National 4-H Hippology contest.
- While the contest is in progress, there will be no conferring between contestants or between a contestant and anyone else except as directed by the chairpersons. Failure to abide by this regulation may result in disqualification of the contestant. Contestants may speak to their group leader or test moderator if they have any questions or problems.
- The final results of the contest will be announced and awards will be presented following the contest.
III. The Contest
- Judging -- 200 points
Four classes will be placed. Classes may be any combination of halter and performance and may be live animals or video. If the State Hippology contest is held on consecutive days with the State Horse Judging contest, Hippology contestants will place four of the live classes with the Judging contestants on a separate day from the other phases. If the State Hippology contest is a stand-alone event, judging classes may be video or live, but will take place on the same day as the other phases. (Please note that neither Questions nor Reasons will be asked in the Hippology contest.) - Visual Identification (Stations) -- 200 points
Contestants will respond to the requirements of each station in a series of stations or tables containing horse-related items and topics. Applied knowledge will be tested as well as straight identification. Contestants will not be permitted to touch the items during inspections.
Two to four of the stations will consist of feedstuffs and/or feed tags shall either be judged and placed in the proper order for the given situation or identified and questions asked. Contestants may be asked to evaluate each feedstuff for quality and suitability as an equine feed. The contestant will not be permitted to touch the feedstuffs.
Stations may include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
Parts of the Horse Breeds of Horses Leg & Face Markings Styles of Riding Parts of a Hunt Saddle Horse Items Western Saddle Parts Parts of the Hoof Skeleton of the Horse Conformation Defects The Horse's Foot Basic Items Bit Accessories Structural Faults Faults & Defects Bones of the Leg Horse Terms Types of Bits Teeth of the Horse Muscles of the Horse Gaits and Defects Anatomy Defects Farrier Tools Use Farrier Tools Identification Reproductive Tracts Internal Parasites Life Cycles of Parasites External Parasites Horsemanship External Anatomy Color Patterns Diseases Nutrition Horse Colors Horses in Action Western Bridle Safety Grooming Aids - Use/ID Reproduction/Breeding Conformation English Saddles English Bridle Miscellaneous Equipment Harness Training Equipment Performance Events Judging Knots Weymouth Bridle Horse Sports Parts of the Bit Place of Origin Breeds Digestive Tract Feed Samples, includes ID, quality, suitability for a given purpose, etc. Blemishes & Unsoundnesses Internal Anatomy - Written Examination -- 200 points
This phase may consist of a written exam and/or slides (to be identified as to breed, color, markings, activity, appointments, etc.).
Questions may cover the following subjects:
Internal Anatomy Disease Breed History External Parasites History & Evolution Tack & Equipment Showing & Show Procedures Management Genetics and Breeding External Anatomy Breed & Breed Organizations Internal Parasites Physiology & Endocrinology Unsoundnesses Psychology Health Horsemanship Nutrition Florida 4-H Horse Show Rules & Regulations - Team Problem(s) -- Seniors - 200 points, Intermediates - 100 points
(not included in the scores of Individuals for determining Individual rank)
Seniors: Each team will be presented with the same problem(s) to be addressed by the entire team. Problems given may be either a "prepared" type or an "impromptu" type problem. For a "prepared" problem, all teams will have equal time to discuss among themselves each problem. Then an oral defense or explanation of the problem will be presented as a team effort after a preparation period. For an "impromptu" problem, teams will have an equal amount of time to discuss and present/demonstrate their response. (For example, 7 minutes total to see the problem, discuss it, and present the response or demonstrate what is asked.) For both types of problems, each team member is expected to contribute to the oral presentation. Evaluation will be based on understanding of the problem and completeness of the logic used in making the oral response. The officials may ask questions of any or all of the team members to clarify the presentation.
Intermediates will be asked to work out a team problem on paper, not an oral presentation.
Examples of problems to be given might include but not be limited to:- Plan a specific youth participation activity.
- Set up an annual herd health program.
- Design a stable of a given size for a specific number of horses.
- Balance a ration for DE or TDN, CP, Ca and P for a specific type of horse.
- Design a training program for a specific type of performance horse.
- Design a breeding and/or leasing contract - specific clauses for insurance, liability, payments, care, termination, transport, etc.
- Demonstrate the use of tack or equipment.
- Explain the function and use of tack or equipment given.
- Demonstrate how to perform some basic horse care tasks.
- ID and/or explain suitability of feedstuffs for a given situation.
- Suggested References
Information tested in the 4-H Hippology Contest will be gathered from these publications: Horse Quiz Bowl and Hippology references
Revised in 2017