State 4-H Hippology Contest
April 5 & 6, 2025
- HTU (judging) and UF Straughn Center, Gainesville
- Registration will be through 4-H Online and is not yet open.
- 2024 Hippology Contest Schedule
- Map and directions to HTU and Straughn Center
- **Read details of Contest Day logistics here**(This link explains how the Horse Judging contest and the Judging phase of Hippology will be handled on the same day.)
Contest Overview
The 2025 State 4-H Hippology contest will be split into two consecutive days in different locations. The Judging phase of the contest will be in conjunction with the State 4-H Horse Judging Contest on April 5 at the UF Horse Teaching Unit. Entrants will be placing four of the same live classes that the Judging contestants are placing. Youth will be allowed to enter both the Horse Judging and Hippology contests. The bulk of the Hippology contest (Stations, Written Test, and Team Problems) will be Sunday, April 6 at the Straughn Extension Professional Development Center and the Animal Sciences Building. Be sure to refer to the contest description for a more thorough description of the Hippology rules and procedures.
On Sunday, the contest will begin at 10:00 a.m. (check-in at 9:15) and will run through the early afternoon with youth being dismissed for lunch after they complete their last segment. Lunch will not be provided so you should plan on packing a lunch or having someone available to take the group out to eat, or to go out and bring something back for your group. All contestants must bring their own pencils.
An awards program to recognize the top individuals and teams will round out the day.
County Entry Allowances & Registration
Each county is eligible to enter up to two (2) intermediate teams and two (2) senior teams of four members (Intermediate is 11-13 and Senior is 14 & over, both as of 9-1-23). It is due to competition room space limitations that entries are limited.
Individuals may be entered if a county does not have enough youth to fill a team. If there are individuals from another county, we will ask both coaches and agents if they would like to join to compete as a team.
Hippology is a long and challenging contest. It is limited to Intermediates and Seniors because the reading, math, and comprehension skills required may be above that of the juniors members.
All teams must register for the Hippology contest on 4-H Online by March 27. All adults traveling with the team should register as well. The coach's registration will ask how team members should be sorted. Additions to entered teams received after March 27 will not be accepted, although minor changes/replacements may be made. No teams or individuals will be added on the day of the contest. There is no entry fee for Hippology.
Entrant Eligibility
- Must be Senior 4-H members (14 or older at the beginning of the 4-H year) and approved to represent the county at a State 4-H event by the County 4-H Agent.
- Must not have participated in the National 4-H Hippology contest.
- Rare exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with the Specialist in charge of the State contest.
Contest Content
View a detailed description of the contest
**See Sample Tests and further description of phases**
Information tested in the contest (with the exception of the judging phase) will be taken from the references listed on this page.
As always, we will ask leaders and other adults traveling with the team to help score, monitor, etc. on the day of the contest. Please Alyssa Ohmstede ( if you are willing to help and want to request a specific role.
"Horse Smarts" reference
The American Youth Horse Council published a very thorough reference book called "Horse Smarts." This replaced their "Youth Leaders Manual" as a reference for both Hippology and Quiz Bowl (at the State, Regional, and National levels). Last year they they published significant updates to the series. Counties with teams working towards competing in Hippology or Quiz Bowl should contact Alyssa Ohmstede ( for information on how to obtain a copy if your county does not already have one, or to obtain the updates if you do have a set that UF provided.