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Animal Sciences Department

Animal Sciences Department

Times on this schedule are still being confirmed as details are finalized. Please consider this as tentative.

State 4-H Horse Judging and Hippology Schedule

April 5 - Horse Judging

April 5-6 - Hippology

This page has some more details to help you know what to expect with the combined Horse Judging and Hippology format. Basic schedule This isn't a "hard" schedule as much as a framework. Read the logistics below it for details.


Saturday April 5 - HTU
Horse Judging & Hippology
8:30 - 9:15 am

- FFA Judging teams check-in
- FFA members on 4-H Hippology teams pick up separate placing cards
- 4-H Judging teams check in (those in State Horse Judging contest, whether in Hippology also or not) 
- By 9:20, everyone seated in bleachers for introduction and instructions.

9:30 - Judging contest begins for 4-H & FFA
- Contestants in only the Hippology contest check in.
~10:00 - Hippology-only contestants join groups in the stands to judge next 4 classes.
~11:30 - Hippology-only contestants are finished for the day after 2nd halter class (no reasons)
~12:30 pm Lunch provided for Judging Contest entrants
~1:30 - Judging contest reasons on 4 classes
~4:30 pm

- Awards for 4-H State Horse Judging contest only 

Sunday, April 6 - Straughn Center

9:15 am Check-in then orientation for Hippology teams
10:00 Hippology contest starts - see schedule for current timetable
~1:10 Competition complete; Lunch on your own
~3:00 pm* Awards presented for Hippology (2-day total)
*Awards times are estimated and a different agreed upon time may be set before participants leave for lunch.

Event interaction logistics

Hippology-only entrants do not need to pay the $25 Horse Judging entry fee. That fee mostly covers lunch, and the Hippology-only kids will be finished before lunch time.

Saturday check-in

Youth entered in Horse Judging (whether also entered in Hippology or not) will check in at the regular Horse Judging check-in time between 8:30 and 9:15 am. They will be given 1 set of cards – Judging-only entrants will have white cards, and entrants in both Judging & Hippology will have a different color card. When the cards are turned in, we will score the colored cards in both contests.

The intent is that all Judging contest participants, whether also in Hippology or not, should be able to go about their time in the contest thinking only about Judging, and not worrying about additional logistics for Hippology.

Once the Judging contest starts at 9:30, the Hippology-only entrants may check in and receive cards for their 4 classes. Those cards will be a different color than those described above and will only be scored for the Hippology contest. This procedure applies to all Intermediates in Hippology as all Intermediates are "Hippology-only."

If Hippology youth are in FFA Horse Judging, the coach will need to check the team in with FFA, then also go to 4-H for the Hippology cards. These FFA Judging/Hippology youth are the only ones who will have to mark their class placings twice -- once on their FFA scanner cards, and once on the Hippology card.

Judging Classes

Hippology entrants will judge the last two performance classes and the first two halter classes (i.e., the 'middle' 4 class in a row). So their classes will begin 30-40 minutes after the regular HJ contest starts. Those not already in the Judging contest will join in with the HJ entrants closer to 10:00am, and follow the same Judging contest procedures until their 4 classes are done. The Hippology-only youth should be done for the day by ~11:30am.

There is no need for them to stay at the HTU after their four classes are finished. If interested, they may stay and quietly watch the last two judging classes (away from the HJ competitors), but after that, there is nothing to see or do there for them. When the judging classes are complete, the Judging contest contestants have lunch and give reasons in to the afternoon. If the adult traveling with the Hippology youth is at the judging contest for the day with a judging team, entrants may stay in the parking lot with the waiting coaches. But we suggest that teams plan another adult to leave with Hippology-only entrants, especially for the Intermediate youth.



We do not have a specific hotel with blocked rooms, but there are a number of hotels in town that have often discounted rates for IFAS events. Those hotels are listed here. Each one has its own instructions for what the discount may be and how to ask for it. The Office of Conferences has not revised their IFAS rates agreements since COVID as there have been almost no in-person conferences. However, you can still reach out to the hotel's contact and ask if they offer IFAS discount rates similar to the 2020 list (though rates will certainly be higher than those on the 2020 agreement).

We have a list of almost all of the Gainesville hotels here. Any of the ones on SW 40th Blvd or SW 42nd St are in a convenient area clumped at the Archer Road exit. It’s a good area, convenient to shopping and all levels of food. You might want to avoid the ones on SW 13th St. and the Williston Rd exit, as they probably are not the best for traveling with youth.



The procedure on Sunday will be similar to previous Hippology contests. Teams will check-in at the Straughn Center by 9:30am, and we will start the introduction. The details for the schedule from there depend on how many teams are registered in each age group. Refer to the tentative schedule (2023 HJ & Hippology Schedule) for a rough guide to the format for the day. If there are enough teams that we have to break them into groups, teams will draw at check-in for which group they are in and their Team Problem rotation order.

As usual, we will be asking adults to help monitor and facilitate the various components.

Lunch will be one your own after the last competition (~1 1/4 hrs) and then we will reconvene for awards. You may bring a picnic lunch and eat at the Straughn center, or there should be enough time to go to any number of restaurant options nearby (most are on Archer Road). Plan to bring some quick snacks for your members for a quick snack break at noon while we reset stations.

We should be finished with everything (awards) by 3 or 3:30-ish, but that could fluctuate depending on entry numbers and how the day proceeds.