Florida Cattle Enhancement Board
The Florida Cattle Enhancement Board is a Direct Support Organization of the University of Florida. The Board is organized to promote research, education and scientific purposes including the promotion of research, education and extension for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) on issues relating to the Florida cattle industry, including production, disease prevention, forage development, and genetic research and technology. Funded through state appropriations since its inception in 2016, the Florida Cattle Enhancement Board has funded over $5.2 million in research projects, education and extension efforts at the University of Florida.
FY 2023-2024
Deanne Maples
Florida Beef Council Beef Marketing & Promotions Programming
Fernanda Rezende
UF beef herd management software
Amount Funded: $39,880
Fernanda Rezende
UF Brahman Project
Amount Funded: $45,007
Jose Dubeux
Animal performance and methane emissions of cattle grazing stockpiled 'Gibtuck' limpograss under different supplementation strategies in North Florida? YEAR 2
Amount Funded: $61,455
Angela Gonella Diaza
Association between residual feed intake and fertility-related measures in young bulls
Amount Funded: $46,016
Maria Lucia Silveira
Evaluating the effectiveness and economic viability of pasture management strategies to increase soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation
Amount Funded: $45,592
John Bromfield
Effect of Over Conditioned Bulls on Fertility
Amount Funded: $54,622
Jose Dubeux
Digital soil carbon storage and sequestration mapping in Florida grazinglands through spatial sampling and machine learning methods
Amount Funded: $65,685
Jose Dubeux
Strategies to overseed forage legumes on limpograss in the summer and stockpiling period
Amount Funded: $34,070
Nicolas DiLorenzo
Addressing labor shortage: Use of intake limiters to design free-choice supplementation
Amount Funded: $50,687
Angela Gonella Diaza
Sexual dimorphism of supplementation with rumen-protected Methionine in early gestation in beef cattle systems: impact on fetal development, and postnatal growth and performance (Year 1)
Amount Funded: $58,437
Maria Lucia Silveira
Evaluating the agronomic performance of bahiagrass under different biosolids and inorganic fertilizer phosphorus fertilization regimens
Amount Funded: $48,263
Jiangxiao Qiu
Assessing Land Intensification and Grazing Impacts
Amount Funded: $50,020
Peter J. Hansen
Enhancement of pre- and post-weaning growth
Amount Funded: $71,209
Tracy Scheffler
Improving tenderness and consistency of Brahman beef
Amount Funded: $19,912
Estaban Rios
Breeding Legumes Adapted to Beef Cattle Systems in Florida
Amount Funded: $25,306
Fernanda Rezende
Genetics of immune competence in beef cattle
Amount Funded: $45,773
Lynn Sollenberger
Next-Stage Screening of Bahiagrass Breeding Lines to Identify New Varieties for the Florida Cattle Industry
Amount Funded: $50,040
Raluca Mateescu
Improving the accuracy of genomic selection for carcass and meat quality Year 3
Amount Funded: $41,741
Raluca Mateescu
Learning from Brahman cattle how to dissipate heat in a hot world
Amount Funded: $41,886
Emma Matcham
Impact of rate and source of Nitrogen and Potassium fertilizers on yield, nutritive value, and profitability of Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass hay production in sandy soils of North Florida
Amount Funded: $30,888
Yang Lin
Rapid and cost-effective prediction of soil health indicators
Amount Funded: $24,907
Nicolas DiLorenzo
Impact of Brahman genetics on feed efficiency and methane emissions of heifers with implications for the Florida cow-calf producers
Amount Funded: $126,519
Joao Vendramini
What is the feed value of fall fertilized forage in Florida
Amount Funded: $11,594
Joao Vendramini
Evaluation of new warm-season perennial grass cultivars adapted to poorly drained soils and propagated by seed in Florida
Amount Funded: $31,631
Diwakar Vyas
Environmental Impact Analysis of Cow-Calf Operations in Florida: A Life Cycle Assessment
Amount Funded: $30,596
Raluca Mateescu
Using genomics to estimate heterosis effect on growth and carcass traits
Amount Funded: $46,863
Rosvel Bracho-Garrillo
Evaluating the carbon balance, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential of typical Florida cow-calf production systems.
Amount Funded: $37,233
Brad Daigneault
Finding new sperm traits that more accurately estimate bull fertility
Amount Funded: $39,507
Mario Binelli
Predicting Puberty in Brahman Heifers and Bulls: can we predict early puberty at weaning?
Amount Funded: $72,948
Mario Binelli
Predicting Fertility in Brahman Cows
Amount Funded: $38,106
Hui-Ling Liao
Mycotoxins, nitrate, cyanide and monensin toxicity in Florida pastures, hay and livestock feeds
Amount Funded: $58,241
Mario Binelli
Improving fertility, growth and carcass traits of the UF Brahman herd through genomic selection and targeted breeding year 3
Amount Funded: $36,830
Philipe Moriel
A new supplementation strategy for beef heifers in Florida
Amount Funded: $72,531
Brent Sellers
Utility of Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer and Soil Surfactants
Amount Funded: $34,419
Joao Bittar
Effect of injectable trace minerals use at two different
Amount Funded: $55,553
Marcelo Wallau
Maintenance and expansion of vegetatively-propagated pastures for Florida farmers
Amount Funded: $33,497 -
FY 2022-2023
Project Coordinator
Name of Study
Lynn E. Sollenberger
Next-Stage Screening of Bahiagrass Breeding Lines to
Identify New Varieties for the Florida Cattle Industry
Brent Sellers
Utility of Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer and Soil
Surfactants for Smutgrass Control with Hexazinone
Brent Sellers
Impact of Individual Macronutrients on Broomsedge
Densities in Bahiagrass Pastures
Philippe Moriel
Fatty acid supplementation to increase pregnancy
rates in multiparous beef cows
Joao Vendramini
Evaluation of new warm-season perennial grass
cultivars propagated by seed in Florida - Year 2
Todd Thrift
Impact of implant strategy on Brahman-sired steer
performance, carcass traits, and tenderness
Maria L. Silveira
G Golmohammadi
Mitigation strategies for groundwater quality
improvement in grazing lands of Florida
Angela Gonella-Diaza
Genomics to phenomics integration to predict feed
efficiency in beef cattle: year 2.
Joao Vendramini
Refining phosphorus fertilization recommendations
for limpograss in South Florida - Year 2
Jose C. Dubeux
Animal performance and methane emissions of
cattle grazing stockpiled ‘Gibtuck’ limpograss under
different supplementation strategies in North Florida
John F. Roberts
Identification and characterization of biomarkers for
ovarian follicular dysplasia (OFD) in cattle
Nicolas DiLorenzo
Potential use of algae as a feed supplement to
increase production and sustainability of Florida beef
Raluca Mateescu
Improving the accuracy of genomic selection for
carcass and meat quality
Raluca Mateescu
Using genomics to estimate heterosis effect on
growth and carcass traits
Ann R. Blount
Mycotoxins in bahiagrass, limpograss, bermudagrass
and smutgrass in Florida pastures
Raluca Mateescu
Learning from Brahman cattle how to dissipate heat
in a hot world
Yang Lin
Building a soil health database for Florida ranchlands
Deanne Maples
Florida Beef Council Beef Marketing & Promotions
For Use to pay for the required Audit and for
Administrative fees that UF might incur
FY 2021-2022
Project Coordinator
Name of Research Study
$ Available
Joao Vendramini
Evaluation of new warm-season perennial grass cultivars propagated by seed in Florida
Brent Sellers
Utility of Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer and Soil Surfactants for Smutgrass Control with Hexazinone
Angela Gonella
Genomics to Phenomics integration to predict feed efficiency in beef cattle
Lynn Sollenberger
Selecting New Bahiagrass Varieties for the Florida Cattle Industry
Esteban Rios
Diversifying Forage Options for Beef Cattle Systems in Florida
Joao Vendramini
Refining phosphorus fertilization recommendations for limpograss in South Florida
Brent Sellers
Impact of Individual Macronutrients on Broomsedge Densities in Bahiagrass Pastures
Philipe Moriel
Biomarkers to predict future cow performance and response to supplementation
Tracy Scheffler
Tenderness of Bos indicus-influenced beef
Raluca Mateescu
Using genomics to estimate heterosis effect on growth and carcass traits
Mario Binelli
Improving fertility, growth and carcass traits of the UF Brahman herd through genomic selection and targeted breeding
Raluca Mateescu
Improving the accuracy of genomic selection for carcass and meat quality
Mario Binelli
Predicting Puberty in Brahman Heifers and Bulls
John Arthington
UF Brahman Project
Maria Silveira
Evaluating the agronomic and environmental impacts of new FL-DEP biosolids rule
Todd Thrift
Florida raised beef strip steak quality audit
Peter Hansen
Identifying genetic markers for neonatal weak calf syndrome in Brahman cattle
Rosvel Bracho-Garrillo
Evaluating the carbon balance and global warming potential of typical Florida cow-calf production systems
Audit and Operating Expenses
Deanne Maples
Florida Beef Council Promotional Request
FY 2019-2020
FY 2018-2019
FY 2017-2018
FY 2016-2017
FY 2015-2016